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InvestorFounderTeammateMedia Do you believe in our company? We do sell some equity now, which you can purchase. Fill out the form, and we will reach out to you.

Why us?

  • Founder with over ten years of experience and many projects in the past. Well-versed in IT, sales, and other aspects of the business.

  • We have a proven team of extraordinary people since 2013.

  • Flawless standardization and organization of the entire business.

  • All our projects have an international scale, are closely interconnected, and complement each other.

  • We have proprietary technology and other advantages that cannot be easily copied or replicated, which protects us from competition.

  • Our markets (e-commerce, media, business communities, web development) are worth trillions of dollars.

  • We constantly innovate and advance the market with unique solutions.
Are you a business owner? Contact us to discuss how we can collaborate and make the world a better place.
Would you like to become part of our team? Below we have described the skills that we need at the moment. DevOps / Server Admin

  • NGINX.

  • Docker and Docker Swarm.

  • CI / CD.

  • GIT and GitHub Actions.

  • Debian-like distributions.

  • AWS-like services would be a nice bonus.

Are you interested in publishing about the company? Please contact us so we can provide more details and maybe help promote your content.

Are you a media person who wants to have serious product on your side? Search no more, because we are here, and we are ready to discuss cooperation, where you are our media partner with a share of sales, and we provide your audience with a quality product on more favorable terms.

Win-win-win. Contact us to discuss details.
Collaboration of smart people is the key to success. Select the role to learn more.
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